Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hey You Texans

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Just wanted to share a little of my pride and joy

My grandson has an etsy shop

The Silver Craftsman
He's 15 -- years old!

and will be a vendor at the Funky Finds show
at the Will Rogers Memorial Center in Fort Worth
on November 10th
Booth 418

Free admission
and raffle prizes.

You can see more of him here
and... there is a discount if you mention his face book account...

These are his creations,
his work,
his little business.

How's that for a grandson?
no flies landing on this one.

So, if you are in the area, be sure to visit
this two day event in Fort Worth.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Everywhere I Go

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"Everywhere I go, everywhere I go" (Jesus will go with me)... this song has been running through my head as I am going around disinfecting doorknobs, refrigerator handles, stove knobs, phones, etc. Wow! we sure do use a lot of things. The computers were long overdo on cleaning of the keyboards, too. Another song is "Through it all" the phrase, "I've been lot's of places"... Hopefully, this will catch any germs that are lingering.

We are recuperating from the flu. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I guess when I handle cash I need to wash/sanitize my hands more frequently. Any ideas on how to clean money? beside 'laundering' :-)

To add insult to injury, my mouth has been swelling, fat lips look strange on me... it could be a food allergy that is starting, who knows... ice has helped and I am staying in so that I don't make babies cry and grown men run for cover.


On another note, I am gathering up various items for our next sale. The knotted rug that I just completed will go and I rolled up the orange fabric into a ball and it looks pretty. An old non-working alarm clock, but it looks so vintage, a little ironstone creamer with delicate orange and brown flowers along the top, etc. Most of what we brought home from our previous sale will do. It seems that we sell only about 1/4th of what we take, but if it is not there at the sale, it will not sell... We always take a trailer full, we just can't help it.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Trials and Tribulations of Choosing Colors

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I have a weak spot in my make-up

I have a challenge at choosing correct colors for projects.

Just when I think I have a winner, I stand back and say, 
Uh, Oh, Hmm

I have been working on a rug
from scrap fabrics in my stash.

I simply loved the fabric in the center and then I loved the light blue

One of my daughters (AKA design team to help out mom)
suggested that it needed some yellow,
so, some yellow and then some light green.

Okay, now a dark row... with some orange,

Take off the dark row and put on the orange...
At one point, there were four rows of orange...
wrong... again!

So, I took off two rows and added this multicolored fabric
wrong again.

All the orange came off...

Another part of my design team (a different daughter to help mom out)
suggested that I get some  more dark pink in there to pull out the center.

Then I added the darker row for the end,
at this point I am ready to be done with this!

View from if you were laying on the floor
not that you would need to know this, but just saying...

And one more shot of my favorite area

This is the back, if you want to put off washing the whole thing
for a day or two, turn it over.

Linking up to:

Made by me at JAQS Studio  
Transformation Thursday at Shabby Creek Cottage

Monday, October 8, 2012

A Beautiful Day to Visit Alameda

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I just wanted to share a few photos from our day yesterday.

It was lovely weather and we love this show.
Of course it was hard work, but it is worth it to see it all set up.

A cool dial telephone from long time ago.

The veiw from looking straight in. We have neighbors whose panel truck gives us not only a wind break, 
but also a backdrop.
Table and benches - sold.
And, the island with a metal top and the file drawers are gong to a shop in Fairfax 
called "Beach House Style"

If you are not familiar with it (I wasn't) this is a camel saddle !
It would make an awesome footstool, coffee table and quite
a conversation piece.

The "wedding area". Still waiting for that one bride who needs a jewelry bouquet.

Now, the 'far east' area.  Everyone loved the horse.
He had such lovely pitting

The little tea canisters on the top shelf came with tea inside of them.
And every one of the pyrex refrigerator dishes sold.

This is a very old beer ice chest. Falstaff was a brand
from a long time ago. Pretty good shape for the age.

Cute little animals and tiny people.

The chair, of yes, someone wanted it really bad, but then she wanted us to hold it
while she shopped all over. We couldn't hold it, she walked away, but...
she hurried back in about 10 minutes with cash in hand.

More of the animals

I crocheted these pumpkins and gourds
They are really easy and great for the fall season.

A little ironstone for display. Someone did buy one of the coffee pots without the lids.

Now this is an old fashioned bin table. 
You can't duplicate paint like this.
Two large curved drawers on the bottom,
two more drawers next up (one divided for utensils)
and two cutting boards. It had seen lots of use through the years
and it will go on working for the couple that bought it.

Unique handle/pulls

Le Creuset pots

Isn't this a cute island? It is narrow (everyone from the bay area wants narrow)
It has a cutting board and a door to the cupboard, on casters, too.

Well, just a little peek into what was what yesterday.

See you soon.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Projects in the Making

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I really have been busy...

Well, I am calling it busy anyway.

With the fall weather, it makes me want to do hand-work. Longer evenings, sitting in my favorite chair...

I saw these cute little crocheted pumpkins over at hip2thrift and just had to try them.

They were so easy, that I showed my 10 year old granddaughter how to make them and since she has made a few, they are currently selling in their parent's store. My daughter tells me they can't keep them in stock... how's that?

You still have time to make your own and get the pattern here.

At first I made a few.

Then a few more

Then I rummaged around in my stash and found a few more colors to try out, more gourd type.

Before I knew it I had almost a whole pumpkin/gourd patch

So, then I found some red yarn. The color here is not real...
When I showed my granddaughter, her comment was - "Tomatoes"!

I was making red apples, sigh.

On another front, I saw some fabric and started tearing it up for a rug

I have no idea where this is going and the color really looks washed out... wait, I'll take an indoor photo and see...
Well, that is a little better, not quite to washed out.
After I get a double row, like the part on the left, I don't really know where to go,
I usually steal from my stash and nothing is really "speaking" to me right now.
perhaps something dark? The middle part is kinda a salmon color...

When I first saw the fabric that is in the center and started knotting it together,
all I could think about was "Folk Art". It just seemed to have that flavor,
now, since I added the light blue, I am thinking "crazy quilt" or something along that lines.
Maybe "crazy lady".

Long way to go before it will be of any use, but a start.
You can get instructions for making your own creation of a rug from
a tutorial I did a while back. And, second part is here

It truly is a no sew rug. This one is rather tight, but it will wear well. Washable and all.

AND, if you do decide to make one, please share a picture or link back for me to see. I love to see what others are doing.

I also have a piece of burlap from a 50 pound sack that I am thinking about making into table runners.
I have so many ideas running around in my head and not enough energy to complete them.